The World of Autism: A Path to Acceptance and Growth

1. What do you mean by the term ‘Autism’?

Simply put, Autism or an Autism Spectrum Disorder refers to a neurodevelopmental disorder that is characterized by a diverse range of psychological difficulties. Now, the diagnosis of Autism is usually associated with an array of innate inclinations, communicative quirks and enhanced creative impulses which are due to structural brain differences. Individuals on the spectrum which fall under the Autism range can easily be viewed as unique and distinct which extend by virtue of their language, art or any other form of expression. And while they might have some difficulties in certain tasks or social situations, they also come along with a diverse range of astonishing attributes and skills.

2. What could be the underlying cause of autism?

2.1 The Genetic Tapestry

Take into account Our genes as a very exquisite and detail-oriented embroidered fabric. This embroidered fabric appears to be important when understanding the basis of Autism. A number of researches have indicated that there is a genetic component to autism. Say for instance, you had a family member who suffers from autism, it is possible that you are on the spectrum or have certain attributes of autism. In this area devoid of hope, twin studies are like a powerful microscope. The genes of identical twins which are nearly identical are the strongest determinants of whether both twins will have autism, hence if one twin has it the odds are much higher that the other will too. This tells us that genes are like the building blocks that can influence the presence of autism. But it's not just one gene, rather a multitude of genes acting in concert.

2.2 The Environmental Threads

Our surroundings operate as a perfect as the stage where we move through the world, the stage also influences autism. So is the case with exposure of pregnant women to various factors. But here is the good point-while these factors may have significance, they do not explain the entire picture.

3. Signs to Look For
3.1 Social Cues

One of the first things to start noting is how a person interacts with other people during social situations. They may, for example, appear a little embarrassed, instead of making eye contact, or they will take some time responding to social stimuli. But they may never be discouraging in making attempts to relate with others. They may only have their own ways of forming relationships. Some might be deeply interested in a specific subject, and therefore talk too much about it which may come out as overwhelming at the first time.

3.2 Speech And Language

For some it’s a lovely flow in words, while for others, it’s a jig dance. Such individuals may seem to have a delayed development of speech but when one does speak, it is usually laden with new words.

3.3 Repetitive Movement Patterns
Repetitive behavior patterns may prove to be an integral part of the life of a child who is autistic. It may, for instance include hand flapping when overjoyed or lining all the toys they own, in a certain pattern. Such behavior patterns are not undesirable but form a means of being in control and calm in the midst of an overly chaotic and overwhelming reality.

4. Self-Assessment: A Starting Point

Self-assessment can be of assistance similar to a torch in a pitch dark room. There are some questionnaires and resources out there that can help you explore if you or someone you known might have autism traits. A good example is the RAADS-R test where one is able to conduct a thorough self-evaluation. However, it is important to note that it is only but a first step. The professional diagnosis is like an atlas as it provides guidance on the next steps to be taken.

5. What to Do After a Positive Diagnosis

5.1 Accept the Journey

A positive diagnosis does not come as a dead end, rather it is appropriate to view it as a marker whose purpose is to accelerate growth. It gives one an opportunity to refreshingly understand themselves or an individual, towards improving their toolkit of important strategies and support.

5.2 Engage the Relevant Help
There are phenomenal professionals like therapists, educators and autism specialists that can be classified as super heroes standing by to assist these persons, who come equipped with the right therapies and interventions needed for an individual. Autism Speaks and The Autism Society are some of the great places to get more information and referrals from. Some great places to find more information and referrals are Autism Speaks and The Autism Society.